Saturday, December 13, 2008

poor me :(

I'm still sick.. and it's no fun. I have been sick for two weeks now. I really need to get well soo so I can get back to work. But like I feel like now.. I don't think there is a chance that I'll be back at work on Monday. I hope I at least get better in time for Christmas eve... cause it's no fun being home alone on that day of all days. On the 24th we are going to my grandmother (on my dad's side) for Christmas dinner. And on the 25th we are going to my grandfather (on my mom's side). And I still have to go out and buy more Christmas gifts. I can't do that if I'm sick. This is one of the worst things about the winter.. that you get sick. I mean.. you don't really get a cold in the middle of the summer. I can't breathe through my nose :( and I feel like I have cotton in my ears.

Always when I get sick I'm like a 5 year old.. And I watch The Little Mermaid.. It's one thing that makes me feel better. I haven't watched it yet this time. I have been watching a lot of tv though. But now my eyes feel all tired.Maybe I should just get some sleep. But if I sleep now I can't sleep later when I'm suppose to.

Oh ya.. yesteday I got some Christmas decorations up.. it looks a lot nicer here now. And it feels like Christmas a little more. It's not like we have any snow here to help us with the Christmas feeling.

I tried to take a picture of my hamster again.. but she just can't sit still. this is the best picture I got of her. Bu I will keep trying. I want to have at least one REALLY good picture of her. But isn't she cute :)


Anna said...

Men HEJ! :D

Inte visste jag att du kunde rita, du är ju jätteduktig! Du gör smycken också? Har du några bilder på dina alster?

Är du med på eller något annat forum? Jag känner igen dina foton på Barbie och ankorna, tänkte att jag kanske sett dem i någon visningstråd?

Och du; den där kalendern är sjukt enkel att göra! Kolla här:

Anonymous said...

hamster-snuttis~~! hon e ursöt! :3 Hoppas du mår bättre snart! ledsen att jag inte ringde förra fredagen, men jag blev själv jättesjuk. Mår bättre nu dock, men har alldeles för mycket att göra... men vi hörs väl snart ändå? jag kommer att vara hos mamma och pappa över hela julen så det är bara att höra av dig om du är hemma och har tid över (å vill träffas förstås).